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Jan 25 2024

LIN Seminar: “Information processing in the retina in health and in Fragile X syndrome” by Anna Vlasits (UIC)

January 25, 2024

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM


SELE 4289

Please join us on 1/25 at 4pm in SELE 4289 for a LIN seminar featuring "Information processing in the retina in health and in Fragile X syndrome" by Dr. Anna Vlasits (UIC).

Host: Joseph Zak

Abstract: The retina boasts over 100 different types of neurons, which are intricately connected to one another in complex neural circuits. Through these neural circuits, the retina performs multiple stages of visual processing, more like a computer than a camera. We do not know what most of the retina's neurons do for vision or how these neural circuits function in neurodevelopmental disorders. In my talk, I will present two different stories that will form jumping off points for the work in my new lab at UIC. First, I’ll talk about work to understand how the retina processes color information using subcellular population imaging of interneurons. Then, I’ll discuss new work where we demonstrate physiological differences in retinal function in a mouse model of Fragile X syndrome.



Emily Beaufort

Date posted

Nov 10, 2023

Date updated

Jan 2, 2024