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Mar 7 2024

LIN Seminar: “Sounds from the deep: Corticollicular interactions in the mouse” by Daniel Llano (UIUC)

March 7, 2024

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM


SELE 4289

Please join us on March 7, 2024 at 4pm in SELE 4289 for a LIN Seminar featuring Dr. Daniel Llano (UIUC).

Llano lab

Host: Angie Salles

Abstract: The ability to decipher meaning from degraded sounds is critical for everyday hearing. A key strategy to extract signals buried in noise is to integrate stored acoustic representations with incoming sound streams. Such top-down/bottom-up interaction appears to be a fundamental feature in sensory systems. This seminar will describe our circuit-level analysis of a massive descending pathway from the auditory cortex to the inferior colliculus (IC) which is thought to be important for top-down modulation using the mouse as a model. We will focus on differences between layer 5 and layer 6-derived neurons from the auditory cortex and how they interface with the neurochemical heterogeneity that exists in the inferior colliculus.


Emily Beaufort

Date posted

Nov 10, 2023

Date updated

Jan 5, 2024